Tuesday, April 6, 2010

60). Decorate a T-shirt

Finally, got around to decorating the shirt I've had for a really long time now. I actually wore it twice or more, feeling super guilty; constantly thinking... this shirt should be cooler!!

But it so is now =]

My stencil was never going to work. Cutting through acetate is tricky. Even with a scalpel. ( yeah, I was allowed to use a scalpel. bet you're jealous ). So I free-handed. It's weird painting onto fabric. Kinda fun though. I only screwed up once. I'm still not sure how, but theres a tiny silver spot of paint on the left that isn't meant to be there.

I'm now madd excited to wear it out in public and see how many hugs I get. I'll need to wear it ASAP, becuase it's getting colder and jumpers covering it would make me sad. And would mean less hugs. Which would be tragic.

I still have a lot of silver paint. This hardly made a dint. I need projects for painting, so I can get better at this. Any ideas?

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