Thursday, September 30, 2010

day in the life of

I got rejected for the amazing apartment with the red wall and air-conditioning and balcony and hilarious laundry. By text message, no less. Such a bitch. I quite liked that place. I was full conscientious and what-not about it too. 13 years of getting it written on report cards and how does it help? IT DOESN'T. I got a freaking job, what more could they want? Seriously though, what do I have to do? I want to live in Kingswood. It shouldn't be this hard. On thursdays they have free dinner in the train station car park!! ( I finally figured out what the cult of plastic chairs was using as their front ).

What else?? I can now recite the alphabet backwards. Obviously, I can't demonstrate this skill over the net. But I promise this is actually a new skill of mine. I think I'm going to train up my right hand next. I bet your wondering where I got all this extra time to learn such crucial skills such as reciting the alphabet backwards, what with working and uni and sleeping!? Well you see, when you get paid handsomely for sitting on the phone for multiple hours, you don't have much to do with your hands. Or your brain. I started with pretty pictures, then moved onto the alphabet and realised I should use the time wisely and become ambidextrous. I believe it will work. Eventually.

I just finished watching season 5 of Supernatural. I felt super achieved, and then realised they've just started a new season. Which means I can't cross it off. Which makes me cranky. It ended well, too. It was all YEAH GOOD JOB!! and then no. They couldn't just let it be. So now I'm hooked on skins, finding myself speaking british because of it. It makes me feel like my childhood and teen years were muchos innocent. Which they were, unremarkably so, but I always thought that was typical. Skins makes me think not. Or that all brits are a ickle bit nuts. I haven't decided yet.

So I kind of, sort of just realised tomorrow is October, and I should therefore have a recipe for you. Since my life has been reduced to uni, work, sleep and train time I don't get to cook much. I made hamburgers for dinner earlier this month and scoffed at the idea of using hamburgers as a recipe because let's face it, it's a glorified sandwich. BUT FUCK IT.


pack(?) of mince
2tbs Worcestershire sauce
1tbs tomato sauce
onion salt
bread crumbs
baby spinach leaves
damper rolls
your choice of condiments

basically, chuck the meat in a bowl with the other ingredients down to bread crumbs. Mush it up, with your hands. When it's proper mixed, split it up and make it look like hamburger patties. Then cook them, until they're cooked. Obviously. If you want, you can toast your roll. Which you will, because it makes it better. Obviously, everyone likes their burgers differently, BUT if you want to make my idea of the perfect burger, you will have: bottom of roll, mayo, sweet chilli sauce, baby spinach leaves, cheese, meat, more cheese, beetroot, tomato sauce, top of roll. You may need a bigger mouth. COOL.

That was terrible. I'm so sorry.


Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am the proud owner of a very pretty printer/scanner/magik box. It's quite shiny. It has buttons and what not. It is the result of me going... I have almost everything I could possibly need for a flat!! EVERYTHING. Oh, wait, I don't have a printer. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I DON'T HAVE A PRINTER. I will most definitely need a printer. Let's buy a printer. Ok, done. This will probably happen more and more now that I have a job and apartments to look at. Although my big intention is to save and buy a giant bed. And then save some more and buy a car.

I'm looking at a really frikin awesome apartment this arvo. It's 2 bedroom and has a balcony and an internal laundry and air conditioning and floorboards. I'm quite excited. In fact, my entire family is excited. And I'm talking extended family. As in my grandparents and Papa are coming to look at the place with me. I'm not complaining, it means I don't have to catch the train. But it will be a little odd. Just a little.

So yes, my grandparents and uncle are currently sleeping downstairs in the spare room. Kind of dormitory style. It's the reason I'm writing this now, actually. Usually I'd have the house to myself and could just go about making myself look super duper responsible for this afternoon. But the bathroom is taken. So I'm trying to do something constructive with my time. And don't ask how my assignments are going. They're not. They're at a stand still for being so stupid. Yes, I'm blaming the assignments for their lack of being done. And on that note, I have an overdue library book. They will want my monies. Which I just spent on a shiny printer.


Monday, September 20, 2010

movie #11

Only a tiny bit late... I saw The A Team with H a while back. And when I say a while back I kind of only remember it being kind of violent and ridiculous. I remember Bradley Cooper being awesome. Because he is quite awesome. Yes.

What else? They flew a tank. IN THE SKY. the fuck? Pretty much the whole movie was a "...the fuck??" moment. I want to say it was stupid but it was actually pretty funny. So basically I'm going with it's a ridiculous movie. Not a lot of it was plausible. I guess if you just give up trying to understand how and go with why it'll make sense. Sort of. Not really though.

2.5 stars. I really still can't decide if it was amazing or terrible. It really was just ridiculous. I'd probably have enjoyed it more if I understood the back story of it all. Apparently it was a heaps popular tv show or some shit. I have no idea. Maybe one day I'll be nifty enough to follow popular culture and understand what's going on in the world around me. Until then...


Sunday, September 12, 2010


I'm procrastinating. I have a huge pile of clothes on my bed, so I'm forced to put them away before I go to bed. Which I really want to do but now can't because of all the clothes in my way. And instead of logically just putting them away, I'm avoiding it. Woot. There was actual reason for this...

I didn't get to go blog crazy with an excessive amount of movie tales. You may have noticed. Anyway, story is, I went to pick up munchkin from his friend's place; he gets in the car, and I see his finger covered in tissues and sticky tape. Turns out he was making pizza, was cutting salami, the knife slipped and then he wouldn't stop bleeding for 15 mins. They taped him up, he ate pizza, played video games and decided it wasn't a problem. It was still sort of bleeding 3hrs after he cut it, but in fear of freaking out Mother Dearest he didn't want to say anything. After convincing him otherwise, Mother Dearest played nurse, used her uncanny ability to guilt trip and then suddenly we're on the way to the hospital because it's still bleeding.

Hornsby hospital is kind of pretty. Papa was ridiculously embarrassing. He couldn't remember Munchkin's birthday, told the doctor how to do her job and said people don't cut themselves on purpose. This is all after my first 6 hr shift of working. Fun times. So, in the end, Munchkin got liquid skin scab stuff thing and steri strips. And probably another gnarly scar. Bitch.

And after all that I've lost my list of movies. There were only 5, I can just remember them hopefully, then write about them after I've dealt with this pile of clothes.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

movie #10

So I'm not going to blog about each individual movie. That would be silly. But it gets a bigger picture? Yes. Good. Basically, I admitted I'd never seen all the star wars's before in front of people who were somewhat outraged at this fact. H was outraged enough to watch them all with me and put up with my dumb questions. There were a lot of dumb questions. I tend to forget that when I'm ridiculously confused I should probably think it out a bit before speaking. But I almost completely followed along! And it's not my fault if people don't age properly and sequels and prequels are all over the place. Also, it took us a ridiculous amount of time to watch them all. I'm talking months. You try following that over several months. There's so many goddamn characters who steal each others names and can't properly die.

There were some bits where I suddenly knew exactly what was happening and who was doing what and where. Not because I'm nifty at following along, but because I'd seen it before at some point. Cousin dearest assures me he has forced me to watch them at some point, but I don't believe him in the slightest. Mostly because I have no recollection of this besides a couple of scenes being familiar.

Cool thing about having seen them all now is that I get references. There's been a bunch of t-shirts on teefury with star wars references that I never would have gotten before but now it's all OMFG THAT'S HILARIOUS. Funny moment, Papa has had this dictionary thing since school and its got a pic of this fluffy thing on the front and I always thought he was a pansy kid for having an angry teddy looking thing on his school books. It was actually an Ewok. Papa was just a star wars nut. I'm not sure that's better. In other news, Yoda is freaking awesome. I had no idea.

I don't want to give it a star value. Not for any particular reason. Just don't want to. But I have to, so 4. Dandy.

And 2.4 became loads more.

This is going to be one of those weird moments where I get ridiculously competitive for no particular reason. I'm going to blame R with his snide remarks of 'suck it', and then giving factual evidence I strongly disagree with. Also, he started some weird facebook thing where you poke them? I have no idea what the fuck is going on. But he started it. And I shall win. When I work out how. Anyhoo, the blogging thing, maybe I should start a quality over quantity argument, but instead I'm going to up my blog count and therefore win. Again. How, may you ask, am I going to boost the number of posts? Especially because I'm the laziest person I know?? MOVIES!! It's been too long. So long in fact I couldn't remember what movies I had seen. I thought I'd be really clever about it and use the cinebuzz card thing record but turns out that system is completely flawed and often gives you points for movies without titles. So then I went to the next best thing which was finding each individual ticket. I found tickets from January last year, from movies I don't remember seeing and multiple tickets from the same movie. Anyway, I now have a list of 5 movies to blog about. YES. And I also need to find a comment I made a while ago about movies because I seem to remember promising to write about star wars and something else. The former deserving some sort of recognition. Cool.

Also, I failed at going a week using only public transport. I'm going to a family birthday dinner thing tomorrow which means drive in with family. I'm not quite committed enough to just meet them there. So because I knew I'd be breaking the week ban thing I got a lift today with A, who totally can drive now, which is very exciting. And tonight I'm picking up Munchkin because I'm a freaking AMAZING sister. BTW, the car is fixed up all pretty again so I can drive and whatnot.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

can officially answer "where do you work?".

I'm totally a working girl now. A call girl. BAHAHA. Telemarketer. YEAH. That wasn't even funny, I'm so sorry. I'm going to be so bored of saying "I'm Em from Epilepsy Action Australia...". But it's cool! I have a job! It's exciting! Means next apartment I apply for will definitely be successful *fingers crossed*. YEP. I had training today from 12 til 8. I got to talk to multiple small children and some angry people too. And a 14 yr old who sounded older than I do. I'm exhausted and going to bed.

BTW I'm not crossing it off until I get my first pay check thing jig. Just in case.


Monday, September 6, 2010

you think of a title.

I have exciting news and a silver lining!

Exciting news: I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW TOMORO! I really hope I get it. So please cross your fingers for me. Or wish me luck. Or whatever you feel will help my chances of being employed. Which isn't just a yay look I'm a mature person who attends uni and has a job and seeks an apartment, it's a list thing! YEAH! number 78). Woo. Updates will follow...

And the silver lining is.... I can do 81). Use only public transport for a week, this week as my mother's car is now being repaired. Which means that job will definitely come in handy, 1450$ is excessive, I believe. So as much as it's a yay for finding a silver lining I can't quite find one for my mother. She just gets to go a week without her car. Not nearly as fun.

You know what? this is completely unrelated to anything exciting or what not but RUBIX CUBES ARE STALKING ME. Or something. There was a woman on the train with a rubix looking handbag which was actually just annoying. And then there was a rubix cube keyring. ALL IN ONE DAY. I need me a rubix cube. My birthday is in less than a month, someone please buy me a rubix cube. It's actually list related, 37). Yep.


Sunday, September 5, 2010


Try again. I tried to copy and paste and then everything went to shit. Never mind. I HAVE EXCITING STORIES TO SHARE!!

Firstly, is the adventure I hinted at earlier about crossing something off my list. I can cross off 10). Visit a museum for a specific exhibit because I went to the Museum of Human Diseases. YEAH!! It was really quite amazing with livers the size of my chest cavity and kidneys smaller than walnuts and oesophagus's and bits of skull and blue lungs and loads of other bits of body. This was all at R's uni so we met up and had lunch and he showed me all the marvels of a real uni ( people and buildings and food courts and libraries 7 stories tall ) before getting mildly confused at an empty window and locked door that was the museum. After stopping R from using the emergency phone, some lady appeared out of no where, took our bags and then let us in. We weren't allowed to take pics :( They had some mad infrared mp3 thing that we didn't use but was cool all the same. The bay things were set out in the most odd fashion which triggered R and I's OCD something chronic. BUT THERE WERE BRAINS AND FUSED SPINES AND GANGRENOUS FEET. So much awesome. If you care to read all about this adventure from R's POV: His blog is actually quite awesome, and you should most definitely read it. All of it. And then encourage him to blog more often because it entertains me when I'm bored.

And second bit of awesome news is that I have now completed two thirds of list item 73). Drastically change my hair 3 times. Technically I picked 3 times so I'd be forced to change my hair at least once a year. I forgot how much I thoroughly enjoy changing my hair. I got ditched repetitively by T, my marvellous stylist, so my hair that was meant to be a welcome to spring is now a 'oh, hey spring, didn't notice you until now' or something. Totally makes sense, this weather is barely spring anyway. So, yes, predictably I forgot to take a before shot. Again. I have a pic from mid July which is close enough, right? GOOD.

Yes. Notice the generally red-brown-ness and lack of fringe. After half a day of being upside down in the bath tub, numerous chemicals and cursing my marvellous stylist for not being confident enough, I now look like this:

YEAH. I just realised I now look about 5 yrs younger. Which is a bit of a shame. BUT IM BLONDE! I've never gone blonde before. Practically every other colour, and blonde streaks but not fully blonde. I think V's comment of "You're going to look albino!!" freaked me out the most, but I'm happy with it :) Most people who have seen it so far says it suits me. YAY.

k. That is all.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

dreaming of screaming


1). I finally got to sleep, realised I was dreaming and woke up again. I'd just watched inception and it well and truly fucked with my mind. And sleeping patterns. I'm just grateful it was only one night.

2). I was at a house party with three friends from uni. One of them sung a song of rejection to the guy ( who took it badly ) and then stormed out. The other chick had no idea what was going on. I was quite sympathetic for the guy who got rejected in song. We then walked the oblivious chick to the train station. When we got back, his friends had turned up so we decided to go swimming. We all jumped in the pool. The guy's parents showed up and suddenly the pool didn't have water in it anymore.

>> This is because I'm witnessing some messed up love triangle thing that none of them know they're included in, but I know because one of them likes to talk a lot and I'm exceptionally observant when it comes to these things. The two chicks leaving and us just having a pool party is basically how I want the whole situation to turn out - they can rack off and be annoying and touchy feely somewhere else and I shall party with the one who isn't annoying. GREAT PLAN. I'd also very much like to go swimming again soon.

3). I had an awesome apartment with roof access. I went up on the roof for a smoke and Papa followed me and stole my cigarettes. I thought this was hilarious because he thought that would make me quit but I knew I could just buy more. Then I went back to my giant bed which I was sharing with a bunch of friends.

>> These smoking dreams are getting creepy. And I really do want a giant bed to share with a bunch of friends. TO SLEEP. ONLY. GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. ahem. Mother Dearest had a dream the same night I had this, that I wish to share. I was pregnant and flustered because I had no way of getting to the abortion clinic. She kept asking me if I wanted to talk about it and I kept incredulously telling her she just had to get me there, and that I didn't need to talk about it. I laughed when she told me, because it's ridiculously accurate. I would probably get someone other than my mother to take me though...

4). I was at the airport with Munchkin. It's completely empty and sterile clean. Creepy squeaky clean. Mother Dearest and Papa are at the security checkpoint. I put two bags of mini m'n'm's on the conveyor belt. Mother Dearest tells me I have to open them before they get x-rayed. Munchkin starts laughing at me. I open the first bag and try and hold the m'n'm's in the bag and put it through the x-ray. I then snap at Munchkin to do the second bag which shuts him up.

>> I love snooze dreams. The 5 min ones between the alarms are the most ridiculous, second only to drunk dreams. I have no idea what this means in the slightest. Maybe I should get me some m'n'm's.

5). I was in a dodgy ice cream store with T. He was taking forever to eat and I was so bored so I was lying on the chair with my feet over the back of it and my head near the ground. There was a man half in the wall eating the ice cream in the painting. The other end of the store had some drunks who were smoking. The boss came out and I righted myself in the chair. He yelled at his employees and then left for the night. There was two balls of ice-cream somehow joined together and on fire that was thrown down the street. Everyone ran for it. A cop car came screeching past and yelled "HOLY BALLS" and I realised I was in England. I ran off in the opposite direction, giggling to myself. I found a giant box on top of a car and pushed it off onto the road. I found this hilarious and did it 6 more times. I get back to my house and find my dad had gotten me a bionicle. I steal it and jump onto my bed and try to shut the gate but it breaks off in my hands and I'm left lying on my back with two bits of fence in absolute stitches.

>> I woke up laughing. I haven't done that in a while. I don't really get most of it. I get the waiting for T. I get the rebellious running through the streets. Everything else I draw a blank. I like that I had a giant bed in two dreams in one month. I will get me a giant bed. I have decided.

Well that was fun. I know the first doesn't really count but I felt the need to include it. Twas most frustrating. I've been lazy with writing dreams down but I really just haven't had the time. It's all travel, uni, travel, eat, sleep. repeat. Which is lame. In other news, I applied for a job. fingers crossed. And even more news, I get to cross something off my list. I shall write about it tomorrow. Or later. SUSPENSE. right? sorry.
