Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Mini rant: While making sushi this evening, I wrote a poem in my mind. I'm not usually big on poems. If I could be so amazing and write music, I'd write songs constantly. I'd be the mostest amazing songwriter EVER. But I'm not that talented. And so I occasionally think up poems, rarely write them down and never remember them. So yes, mind-prose. Sushi. And mid thought I realised I HAVE A BLOG NOW! I can write crap like this down. And then I remembered what the poem was about. To clarify, it was mostly about me. Most of everything is. I'm a selfish person. That's the way it is. But it happened to have something to do with a boy. And people I know read this. And people I know would realise who said boy is. And then read into it. As I have ( why the fuck am I thinking about you? Get out of my head!! ), but that's only because I read into everything. And then over-analyse it. So, even though part of me says "It's YOUR blog, write whatever you want. Crappy attempts at poetry would bring a whole new angle of crappiness. It'd be fun" and the other half is ( so much bigger than half and ) screaming "It's not even like that! Darn people and their gossip and opinions! KEEP EVERYTHING TO YOUR SELF". And the ridiculous thing is the whole issue is completely innocent, nothing to hide, ness. But I messed myself up with thinking. Darn thinking. It was a cute poem too. Didn't involve death and suffering as much as usual.


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