Tuesday, February 9, 2010

movie #4

In celebration of D's birthday a group of us took off to hornsby to watch Daybreakers. I found it quite hilarious that most of the group had no idea what movie we were seeing until we were all there. I guess it just shows how much they love D.

I found the movie terrible but hilarious. The amount of blood and gore just got hysterical. When the bad guy's head got ripped off I honestly couldn't breathe from laughter. Of course, I was told to shut up. Again. I didn't take him seriously though. The day I watch a movie at the cinema and not be told off from either a friend or stranger will be a very special day.

I was so angry they named the main character Edward. The most over used name in vampire fiction plus, everyone immediatly links it to Edward Cullen from Twilight. Twilight really messed with the traditional vampire. Naming the main charater Edward and therefore linking with the messed up traditional vampire got confusing. WAY TO CONFUSE ME.

They exploded when they got stabbed. Not just a 'oh no, look at me turn to dust and get in your eyes' way, A 'step back because there's fire and force while I die' way. I found it amusing. Also the burst into flames when you get hit by sunlight. None of this pansy glittering. OH! inconsistancies annoy me so much. First 'healed' vampire had burn scars and what not. SECOND GUY DIDNT. just because you're the main character doesn't mean you should get off easy. rubbish I say.

I am a fan of vampire stories because I have this hope that they'll deal with the whole immortality issue and how that would affect one's conscience. The beginning of this movie was really promising. A young girl vampire, her suicide note and the sun rising. And then we never see her again! ARGH. sure she's dead but WHAT? she was cool! I want to know her story! That story was crap! Go back to the dead girl!

ok im done with the rant. 2 stars; all for the gore and lolz.

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