Saturday, January 16, 2010

working titles don't work that hard, do they?

ok. I know I already blogged today. Whatever. I'll do what I want. That's how rebel I am. Or how rebel I'm not, depending how you look at it. Moving on...

For list related:

I bought a t-shirt. It was 5$. I didn't even bother trying it on. I should have though. It's ridiculously long but I'm just going with it. It's meant to be all bunched up around my waist. OK? good =] anyhoo, this means I can complete 60). soon. I hope. I'm excited for it. E has fabric paint, which is convenient. It's a black shirt though so I'm curious as to see how that works. Hopefully, some time this week I can FINALLY cross something off the list, rather than start or partially complete.

On that note, I've realised that there are too many things on the list I won't be able to cross off until the end. GRR AT PAST ME.

I've found two blogs to follow! I fell in love with a guy named Charlie =] he's on youtube, and therefore a vlogger. I sat and used up alot of internet downloads but it doesn't matter because he's adorable. And by adorable I mean British; because the two are almost interchangable. Many thanks to T for finding him for me. The second is a girl in New York. I'm not entirely sure why this one is so amazing to me despite the obvious... she lives in New York and I'm overwhelmed with jealousy and ( you can never be sure but ) she seems genuinely honest, which I have a deep respect for. So yes, I'll find my third blog to follow for 76). and then I'll never be able to cross it off. Until the end. darn you, past me. darn you.

I played pokemon yellow yesterday. It was epic =] apart from the fact that I'm up to the bit with the cave. I hate the caves. Which is most likely why I put it aside last time, because caves are frikin ANNOYING. I'm never going to cross off 89). though if I leave it alone everytime I reach a cave. I have amazing character names though. My name in it is woman, so everytime they refer to me I giggle. Pikachu's name is Minion. Someone is ninja. I love naming things.

AND be amazed with me. I just looked at the time. 11.11. YEAH!!

At the gathering last night, one of the guys had the phone I want. Nokia N97. I was immensly jealous. A hid it under a couch =] I don't know why that's so amusing. Even now. Anyway, I looked into getting it (again) and it's cheaper. Like, 30$ a month. Which would be amazing. If I earnt 30$ a month. hmph.

I have just noticed I say amazing way too much. But that's ok. I think excellent sounds sarcastic for some reason so I don't use it, but I should start. As you don't know that. But now you do. Fail at logic. Bugger.

And another completely related-to-nothing train of thought: I always imagined using fake names for all my friends if I ever had a blog. I have not. Well, I've used first names only. I could make up fake last names =P nah. o well. You know what? let's fix this problem. Friends now go by the first letter of their name. Or close enough. I'm only allowed to know 26 people now...

AND! I'm getting lessons from Papa in the near future on how to open the front door quietly so I can sneak in. Does that seem slightly ridiculous to anyone else? I still maintain it's not my fault but rather the door's.

finally: I've made the effort to capitalize the start of sentences and use proper punctuation and spelling. Oh, capitalising 'I' is the mostest annoying. I use msn too much, it's my only excuse. So if I've missed things I humbly apologise, and wish to let you know I am trying.


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