Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am ridiculously lazy. That's the only excuse I can offer; I've done nothing really of significance to the list so I didn't write. PATHETIC, I know.

But I did have an adventure =] It was good fun. I met mother dearest in the city and we went to the rocks moonlight markets and then went to a pub for dinner. So yay for 1 of 10 for 25).
They had some really awesome things but were ridiculously over priced. I fell in love with so many summery dresses only to be crushed by the 130$ and upwards price tag. Ergh. The jewellery was amazing too; there were these rings with scrabble pieces and earrings with domino pieces which really inspired me to steal their idea and blatently call it my own.

I played piano again for a bit. I know how impatient T gets so I tried to learn ahead so I could explain with ease. This next bit had two hands and counting and WOAH. but I figured it out eventually. It was fun but it'll be a while before I can play the kind of song I want to on piano for 41).

53). is annoying. My laziness attacks all aspects of my life. Especially when it comes to physical activity. I enjoy sitting. Tonight I ran for 45 mins; *cough* attepted to run *cough*. Parts of it were walking, parts were swearing fluently, but i didn't collapse on the ground this time. I turn into the biggest bitch when I can't breath properly. I'll get to the point where I can run for longer distances without dying. Hopefully.

I am beyond amazed at how Karl's tattoos have turned out. They're beautiful. He got peace and grace but in greek and hebrew across his wrists. I want to go do 55). now!! I do not, however, have 100$ to spare at the moment. Which I still believe is ridiculously overpriced. It's ten tiny lines on my skull, how dangerous can it be? =P

To prove my laziness... I have watched some Sailor Moon. It's still beyond epic. I love it to bits. I just found out there's 200 episodes. The same thing happens in every single ep. I'm glad I have a while to complete this because as much as I love it, it gets repetitive and I then have to watch something else. Like Stargate Universe. It's amazing. Sailor Moon though, I'm up to ep 44, I do believe. Slowly but surely, as they say.

Oh and quick tip... vodka only pretends to be your friend.

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