Monday, August 23, 2010

book #9

So remember all that time ago, when I was gushing about how much I loved Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series?? Well I've finished them now. I think. It's mildly confusing as the author refuses to stop. So I might have to read more in the future. But for now, I don't. Which I'm actually grateful for. They ended up getting mildly repetitive and predictable. Each book was porn and violence with a lack of story line. It got frustrating after a while. Probably not one to recommend to young readers.

Also, the main character has this hang up with morality I couldn't relate to in the slightest. She runs around killing vampires, helping police with brutal murders and sleeps with about 12 different guys at once and then bitches a lot. We get that you have a conscience. I don't really care. Move on. I guess people with some sort of moral high ground would end up hating Anita if the author didn't include the "I may be a slutty murderer but I do it for the good of human-kind. Amen" bit.

WHAT ELSE?? the whole zombie bit got ignored SO much. I liked that bit. It seemed the bits I liked got brushed over a bit. LAME. OH!! the other thing that shits me about this series is that she's this kick ass character who can actually run and jump without passing out. WHY CAN'T I DO THAT?? Well technically I know the answer to that, so my real question is WHY CAN'T I WAKE UP TOMORROW WITH THOSE SKILLS?? please? Promise I'll bitch less than Anita did.

There was one book in particular which was the most terrible. I can't remember what the title was, but basically the whole story line was based on this awkward coincidence. It was really odd. I was expecting a 'jk, we actually did it on purpose, coincidences like that are SO ridiculous'. It didn't happen. And then my fav was... not sure actually. Maybe the last one? The ones without Richard in it. He is the most annoying character in the history of characters ever. SO GODDAMN ANNOYING. He just rocks up and fucks everything up. Not even exaggerating. All the other characters seem to grow. HE GETS WORSE.

I've probably complained enough now. 3 1/2 stars. It had redeeming factors. Like the first 6 books.


1 comment:

  1. "WHY CAN'T I DO THAT?? Well technically I know the answer to that, so my real question is WHY CAN'T I WAKE UP TOMORROW WITH THOSE SKILLS?? please? Promise I'll bitch less than Anita did."
    I fuckin lol'd. Typical Em.
