Sunday, December 19, 2010

you are not your moustache

I had mad plans of making notes on all the books I'd read so I could blog about them but I forgot :| woops. I dyed bits of my hair blue again and got ditched 3 times, I feel this is sufficient excuse for forgetting. Plus, I remembered the name of the crazy stand-out book AND blogged about it so kudos to me. YES.

I'm back in Newtown. Not for long though. I go home soon, only to leave again, for Tamworth. Whole family driving the multiple hour trip on christmas day. I'm dreading the return trip more though, the dog will be coming back with us. And she's crazy.

I HAD OTHER THINGS TO SAY. Oh yeah. I can cross 63). off my list as I have officially saved 3000$. Then proceeded to spend it on my plane ticket. That's right, I'm officially going to London. I have a plane ticket and travel insurance. It is now going to happen. It was one of those crazy plans that I just assumed I'd be too lazy to follow through on, but there you go.

I never got around to blogging about my awesome day, couple of weekends back, but I realised it was mildly list related so now I'm making an effort: Mother Dearest and I went to a book sale thing which was ridiculous. There was so many people and books. It was excessively hot and I wore jeans and it was in a warehouse and I quite literally melted. But I got an enormous amount of books so it was ok. I spent 60$ and got many. I didn't count them and I can't demonstrate to you how big the stacks of books were but let's say more than what would fill one of those ugly enviro bags from woolies. LOTS, OK? And then Mother Dearest and I got coffee which was dandy and then home. I GOT CHANGED. So much melting. But no more. Then A picked me up and we went adventuring to the city to Paddy's markets ( which is where it becomes list related. But I need to read every post I've ever written to check it counts. FUCK ). I bought all too much but it's all lovely and therefore shutup :) And then back to hers and she introduced me to toddlers and tiaras ( or something ). Basically, small brats and idiotic parents chucking shit fits over plastic head jewellery. HILARIOUS. Go home and nap. Pretty good day, yes?


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