Saturday, November 20, 2010


I just realised why I procrastinated that last post. IT WAS MY 100 POST. Thats an insane amount of words. And to think most of it is just me rambling about crap all. How cool is that?? Also, I've surpassed 700 days. I only have 600 and something days left. HOLY SHIT. I mean, oh dear. And also, 'oh dear', my 100th post was about nothing thrilling. I guess it was better than, hey look, 100, ummm, i'll be done now.

So YEAH. 101. I'll be done now. Nah, I have completed 19 list items so far. At least 10 of the things on my list can't be crossed off until I have finished the 1001 days. I think for just over a third of the time down I'm doing ok. Not great, but not exactly terribly either. I'm on break now until march so I have the MOST time to do whatever I want. List related or otherwise. And I'm housesitting for most of december which means more time for me to do whatever I darn well please ( read: sleep and eat. Possibly read a book ).

I will need help with a couple of my list items, whether moral support or the likes. Possibly a shove to get me to do the less desirable ones like vegetarian for a month. Volunteers are most welcome :D Ooh, if you know anyone getting married, LET ME COME. promise not to bitch too much about how they're ruining their lives and how hideous the bridesmaids dresses are.



  1. I'd be more then happy to help you in your quest of completing 101 things in 1001 days ^^

  2. I shall encourage you to do the 25 push ups one. Is that 25 in a row? Because that's pretty damn tiring.

  3. yep, 25 in a row. and i expect it would be quite tiring, considering i still cant do one.
