Friday, July 30, 2010

stop. breathe.

So I just had a 'shit, shit, it's the first really soon and I haven't blogged AT ALL' moment. Let me just say that having a house to yourself doesn't give you more time. IT STEALS IT. Suddenly there is no time for anything. Ever.

It could be the fact that I'm back at uni. Yeah, that might be it. My timetable is a literal kick in the teeth. I hate it so much. 5 day week, four of those days are only for an hour. Which means about 5ish hours of travelling for an hour of uni. ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT. I'm reading lots again though. See? I found a positive! You proud of me?

So crappy timetable reaction went as so: Well, this is just fucked up. TEA? tea. *drinks tea and muses over ways to fix timetable that doesn't involve killing someone for their timetable*. Logs onto HomeHound and finds.... THE MOSTEST AMAZING FLAT EVER. -several days later- drives to Kingswood. Falls in love with apartment EVEN MORE. Mild freak-out and application is logged. YES. -present moment- still awaiting reply. If they let you rent places according to how much you want to live there THEY'D GIVE ME THREE OF THE SAME PLACE. So ridiculously keen. So much so, I can ignore the fact that a). if I don't get stabbed I'll turn into a bogan and b). I'm committing social suicide. I will keep you updated!

And I'm going to party the next two nights so I really need to blog on saturday? FARK. Why can't I be more organised? I made delicious food with K and T. I can blog about that. And all the movies I still haven't blogged about. I've decided after the ones I said I would blog about, it'll be just ones I see at the movies. COOL??


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