Monday, June 14, 2010

movie #8

I went to a movie marathon with a bunch of friends last night and had a lot of fun. I'm semi dead now though. I slept all day, rendering me temporarily nocturnal. And now I'm having a post-social, waste of a day pessimistic moment. It sucks. I want to go back to the high of staying up all night.

Anyhoo... first movie of the night was Get Him To The Greek, which was hilarious. SO MUCH FUNNY. I love Russel Brand. It's probably got a lot to do with the brittishness. AND TOM FELTON WAS IN IT. I actually stopped breathing for the less than 20 seconds he was on screen, pathetic, I know, but thats how it is.

The songs were ridiculous. Brand is a washed up rock star trying to be cool again and singing these songs with the most strange lyrics. Like "Come home for my bangers, beans and mash" and "we all have the clap". I'm not describing it right, but the songs were silly, k? funny silly though, not annoying silly.

I don't really want to spoil it for you. I really want to see it again. 5 STARS. For definite. Go see it. Take me with you, if you want :)

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