Sunday, January 30, 2011

fuck you, I'm a dragon.

Hey, it's been a while. Yeah. Hi-five for distractions. I actually feel somewhat dirty for giving up actual blogging for tumblr. As much as tumblr is amazing, it's somewhat hipster and plagued with bad grammar and high school drama. So I'm back! Not that I planned my absence, and consequently R's absence ( It's not egotistical, it's the truth. Justsayin' ), of course. And when thinking about how slack I've been I kept imagining that I had SO much to blog about. SO many things to cross off my list. Yeah, not so much.

I haven't crossed it off yet, but a friend from high school is cutting off all of her hair for charity. Which is kind of a big deal. I would go completely nuts with wigs but I can't see her doing that. Anyhoo, I plan to give her some dosh and therefore cross off 31). I'm trying to work out how much she has raised so far but machines hate me in the worst way. Ok, 120$ ish. She wants to get to 1000. It's still early though, she's not doing it until March.

I have decided that I get to cross off 66). because I went and saw Ben Jorgensen last weekend and it was beyond amazing and I could recognise all the Armor for Sleep songs before he got past the intro. Also, his solo stuff is pretty swell. The concert was odd though. He's kind of my musical God. I love and respect everything he's created and always come back to his tunes when all other music sounds like noise. There were maybe 50 people in this bar. 25 of those were paying attention. 10 of us were basically worshipping the sound produced by his vocal chords and guitar. I wanted to yell at everyone else and tell em to shutup because we were witnessing something really fucking beautiful. But I went by myself, knew no one there and felt awkward and therefore did not. And before you ask, no I did not embarrass myself by trying to form words in his presence. I didn't really know what to say to him so I went home. Coz I'm cool that way.

I kind of sort of changed my hair again :| woops. I know. I was planning to cut it all off closer to the end date and rock the pixie 'do, crossing off 73). in the process, but FUCK IT. I dyed it reddish browny purple. Also my fringe has grown out. HOLD UP, photo. Hahaha, it's actually from the night I went to the concert...

why yes, that is a ukelele on my wall XD

According to my psychologist, I'm a weirdo for not wanting a boyfriend. I mean, technically, it's on my list, number 77)., so therefore on some level I must want it. But really, I think it's like reading the bible so you can better argue with christians. If I have dated then it's perfectly reasonable for me to say I don't want it. Right? It's not as if I'm a complete hermit, though. I just don't think sticking my tongue down some guys throat counts as a relationship. Especially considering I knew less than 5 things about him. Stupid psychologists, making me think. bah.

IN OTHER NEWS. I still suck at wearing heels. Crossing off 84). will involve practice and/or cheating. I went out for K's fucking off party and wore heels and died and then swapped shoes with A. I still have A's shoes. Completely flat shoes. How frustrating. My shoes were kitten heels. I have 15cm heels dammit, and I want to rock them, rather than stumble for 10 mins and then give up.

And finally, I work with this lovely girl who happens to be moving to America to marry her bf. It's kind of odd because I consider around my 'level' as in age, maturity, wanting the same things, etc. but she's off the get fucking MARRIED. Which is nuts. NUTS I TELL YOU. Besides the point, when she leaves, she can't take all her furniture and shit so she sold me her bed. It is queen sized and beautiful and soonly mine XD and crosses off 101 for me. And the only reason I can take it is because I got a storage shed. YES. It's pretty cool but costs me about 250$ a month. So that plus the money I pay for board, I pay 450$ a month, to live at home. Can I just say, What the Actual Fuck. On that note I shall leave you a hollow promise of more blogs about books, recipes and movies.



  1. yeah, my parents actually pretty much said the same thing...
    "I pay 450$ a month, to live at home. Can I just say, What the Actual Fuck."

    then they said that they'd be happy if you wanted to pay board to them instead and I told them that out place is nowhere near CLOSE to that amount of worth... then they got shitty at me hahaha

  2. "So I'm back! Not that I planned my absence, and consequently R's absence ( It's not egotistical, it's the truth. Justsayin' ), of course."
    Arrogant much? You assume i do not blog merely because you do not? I've actually given up on it for now. I'll probably start again when uni starts up. Maybe. Possibly.

  3. hahaha, i was trying to get you to start up again. i miss your rants and insights and whatnot.
